The theme for the teen summer reading program this year is Own the Night. Of course, creatures such as vampires, werewolves and zombies come to my mind when I hear this theme. That is why I planned the Supernatural Survival Skills 101 program for the tweens and teens.

After the quizzes, PowerPoint and snacks, I gave the kids face paints so they could make themselves into zombies. We then went outside to have a Zombie Apocalypse Drill.
The Zombie Apocalypse Drill was essentially a game of tag, but instead a person being tagged as the new “it”, each person tagged also becomes a zombie until no one is left. The kids really enjoyed this part of the program! They played several rounds, coming up with new ways to make it more of a challenge, such as the zombies having to crawl, walk slow or even hop. The youngest of the group – a fourth grader – was the fastest. He also was great at the whole “human body shield” concept of surviving a zombie apocalypse.
A lot of the ideas I used for the program are ones that I found on Pinterest. Of course, I made a whole board just for planning this event.
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