A trio of book reviews from Sharon
This review is by guest reviewer/blogger Sharon.
Jackpot! by Jackie Pilossoph

Jamie and Danny are happy with their lives, they are both single, no commitments, they can do as they please. But that changes when their mom, Frankie, wins the lottery. When asked at a news conference how she plans to spend the money, she mentions the usual of travelling and re-decorating but also mentions she plans to spend it on her grandkids. The problem being, there are none.
Frankie calls Jamie and Danny to come over shortly after her win with a legal document. She has decided that each of her children has one year to produce a child and they will then receive a large chunk of the winnings. But neither has anyone in their life that they would be willing to ask to do such a thing for them and their focus in life starts to change to focus on having a baby.
A different concept
Interesting twists to the plot
No one that Danny or Jamie encounter seem to know about what Frankie planned to do with the money, despite the fact that Jamie works at one of the news stations that covered the press conference.
Waking up Married by Mira Lyn Kelly
Megan was off to Vegas for her cousin’s wedding. Unfortunately, she has to spend the evening before with the other bridesmaids who encouraged her to party and have fun. To get them off her back, she agrees to go up to the good looking guy she sees and ask him out. When she approaches him, she tells him she is just doing it to get the other girls to leave her alone but he takes her seriously and they end up spending the evening together.
But when morning comes, Megan wakes up in bed with Conner and something heavy on her left hand, a wedding band! She has no recollection of the night before and when she asks Conner for a divorce, he refuses.
Cute concept
I like how Megan and Conner deal with this marriage and the details involved
Chasing Paris by Jen Carter
Lizzie is dying and has written letters to her family members. But, she requests for them not to be mailed to her granddaughters at the last minute and her wish is denied. Amy is the recipient of one of these letters which starts her off on a chase to find out more about this mysterious grandmother that she never knew.
A fun mystery to follow
Love story that doesn’t go where you expect
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