Friday, May 02, 2008

The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray (audiobook)

This is the third book in the series.

We join Gemma Doyle again at Spence Academy. Spring is in the air, and the restoration of the east wing is underway. The oldest of the Spence girls are preparing for their debuts into high society (and before the Queen). Gemma has not been able to enter the realms since bounding the magic to her. When she, Ann and Felicity find another, more physical entrance into the realms, the three girls find Pippa and the factory girls have made a home in a dilapidated castle in the Borderlands.

Although the Winterlands creatures have not been seen, all is not well in the realms. Gemma is pressured by the clans to share the magic and by her friends to keep the magic and use it to change the paths their lives are following.

Meanwhile, Gemma’s visions return. A silent woman dressed in a lavender gown tells her (through written words) that the Tree of All Souls lives. This sparks Gemma to search for information about this tree…and for the tree itself.

Gemma’s life is a whirlwind of activity – both in the realms and out. In both worlds she is being hunted and hounded. She must decide what to do with the magic and how to keep both worlds safe for the inhabitants.

I really enjoyed this series. I don’t think another one is being written, but I really hope Libba Bray decides that Gemma’s story is not complete. I do think the last chapter or two dragged on a bit, but that is partially due to the climax of the story and trying to wrap up a few loose ends.

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