Tuesday, October 20, 2015


 It's #readathon day! I was up and at 'em by 8 am. As I made breakfast I listened to Carry On. Afterwards I started Furiously Happy. #carryon #simonsnow #findjoyeveryday #findjoy #readingismyfavorite #iread #gotbooks #furiouslyhappy #thebloggess

The #readathon getting to know you post. #gotbooks #iread #readingismyfavorite

One of the books on deck for today is this one. #readathon #deweysreadathonhalloween #iread #gotbooks #readingismyfavorite  

Giving my eyes a break and making a snack, but the reading continues with this #darkhunter novel. #readathon #readingismyfavorite #deweysreadathonhalloween #iread #readingwithmyears

My mid-event survey for the fall #readathon. I've been doing a lot of #readingwithmyears today, and had book group tonight, so haven't made much of a dent in my pile...yet. #readingismyfavorite #gotbooks #iread

We are in the middle of hour 16 of the #readathon. Time for a snack! #cakeandteatime #iread #readingismyfavorite #gotbooks

A #bostonbeans friend used one of the Bostie cards she ordered from me and made an altered notebook perfect for my bookish obsessions. The first entry is about the #readathon. #readingismyfavorite #gotbooks #iread #cricutcreations #bostonterriersrock #squishyfacecrew

My #readathon cheerleaders are still going strong...if snoring can be considered cheering. 😜 #squishyfacecrew #bostonterriersrock #lunabelle #chevyblue #pupperazzi #letsleepingdogslie #bostonbeans

 Current #readathon reading: All-Star Superman. I tried reading this last week via the #hoopla app, but the text was too small at times - even with zooming in. Not only is this a read-a-thon book, it's a #superherosunday one as well. #iread #gotbooks #graphicnovels #superman #superheroes #readingismyfavorite #twobirdsonestone

 It's 3 a.m. (Hour 20 of the #readathon) I'm still going strong. After listening to another story/chapter of Everything's Eventual and updating my many #readingchallenges I'm about to begin #printzawardhonor Keesha's House. My cheerleaders have abandoned me to go snuggle with their daddy, so I'll console myself - and keep warm - with a cup of hot tea. #findjoy #findjoyeveryday #readingismyfavorite #readingwithmyears #gotbooks #iread

 It's hour 21 of the #readathon!! My cheerleaders have returned to keep my lap warm as I read. I finished Keesha's House and am about to begin volume 3 of the latest Captain Marvel series. #iread #gotbooks #readingismyfavorite #graphicnovels #marvelcomics #captainmarvel #superherosunday #superheroes #bostonbeans #bostonsarebest #bostonterriersrock #pupperazzi #letsleepingdogslie #lunabelle #chevyblue #squishyfacecrew #lasthashtagipromise

I might be more than a little biased, but I think I have the most adorable #readathon cheerleaders of them all. ❤️ Anyhow...I've finished Captain Marvel and am on to another #printzawardhonor: Your Own Sylvia. #readingismyfavorite #gotbooks #iread #bookbeverage #chevyblue #lunabelle #squishyfacecrew #bostonbeans #bostonsarebest #bostonterriersrock #letsleepingdogslie #lasthashtagipromise

Holy frijoles, batman! It's the final hour of the #readathon! I'm still going strong, but my cheerleaders are OUT! Luna Belle especially. She very rarely sleeps on her back! #letsleepingdogslie #bostonterriersrock #bostonsarebest #bostonbeans #squishyfacecrew

Just finished Your Own Sylvia. Will volume one of Rat Queens be my final book of the #readathon? #graphicnovels #gotbooks #readingismyfavorite #iread

It's over. I made it. 24 hours of reading, listening, and discussing books. I read all or part of ten books. Finished seven, six of which I read start to finish during the #readathon. It's time to take my furry cheerleaders and go to sleep...after I finish this last book. #readingismyfavorite #iread #gotbooks #cantwaitforthenextreadathon #surprisinglystillawake

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